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殺校‧書桌‧記憶 School. Desk. Memories


Mixed Media Installation (25 School Desks, Stationaries)


學校即使消逝,記憶猶存。 這項計畫以坪洋公立學校為起點,探討香港教育在現今殺校機制下的處境。 我們從不同現存的學校收集被棄用的書桌作共同創作的媒介,以學生日常用到的文具為創作工具,遊走於已被殺校和正面臨殺校危機之中的學校環境,讓這些與學校環境息息相關的人士與藝術家共同在桌上創作和紀錄。 兩位參與藝術家 - 姚泊敦及蔡司虹 都是在香港教育環境下成長,對課室用書桌具有強烈的情意結。同時深信這份情意結植根於每一位在香港教育環境下成長的香港人。 示愛、粗口、老師花名、神秘的數字,漫畫書名、對話、簡劣的圖像、精緻的圖像,甚至用筆鑽出的一個個洞口,所有痕跡都包含了歷代土生土長香港人的集體回憶。殺校帶走學生,但帶不走每一代學生的回憶和故事。

School vanished, memories remain. The art project in Ping Yeung Public School is setting as a starting point to explore nowadays situation of Hong Kong’s education under the curriculum reform system. We are the two artists, gather abandoned students desks from various schools, use these desks as the main medium with daily used student stationeries as creative tools, and step into the closed school or the school inclosure crisis. Let us join together with those who are related and closely linked to the school to create and record on the desks. Two artists Yiu, Pak Tun Patrick and Choi, Sze Hung Janet are growing up in Hong Kong educational environment and having a strong affection about student desks. We also convincing that this nostalgic fondness is deeply rotted in every Hong Kong people, especially those who have grown up and being educated in Hong Kong. Love confession, foul language, teachers’ nickname, mysterious numbers, comic book titles, dialogue, simple drawings, exquisite images, and even drilling a hole by ball pen… etc., all traces are the collective memories of local Hong Kong throughout ages. School Closures have taken away the students, but could not take away the memories and stories within students’ hearts in every generation.

Photography | Hong Kong, 香港 | Janet S.H. Choi Photography Artworks. Copyright © 2024 All rights reserved. 

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