Series in 3
25” x 14” Photographs
孔子曰:「非禮勿視、非禮勿聽、非禮勿言、...」 從儒家思想的<克己復禮> 到日本的 <三猿像>, 都是以約束自己的 方法來體現完美的美德 。隨著環境的變遷與文化的改變,「不見、不聞、不問」的行為, 由約束自我變成了自我防衛, 成就完美 美德的方法頓成一個拒絕外界干擾的方式。但求處於相安無事的境 況,甘願過著「河水不犯井水」所謂和諧的生活。
Confucius said: "Look not at what is contrary to propriety; Listen not to what is contrary to propriety; Speak not what is contrary to propriety..." From the Confucian thought to the Japanese sculpture of “The Three Wise Monkey (Sanzaru)”, self-constraint is the method to attain to perfect virtue. With the continuous change of environment and culture, the behaviour of “See no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil” becomes self-defence rather than self-constraint. The achievement of perfect virtue becomes an expression on rejecting the world. In order to keep a peaceful situation, people preferred to live as “the river water (which) does not interfere with the well water” to maintain the so-called harmonious living.